Abortion=Healthcare? Umm not really…

Everywhere you turn nowadays, you here about the Republican Party’s War on Women.  As a registered Republican, I have been asked how I can affiliate myself with a political party that hates women.  How can I, as a woman, be anything but pro-choice?

I am a Christian woman.  I’ll admit, I don’t go to church every Sunday.  I wouldn’t call myself devout, but I base a lot of my beliefs off of my religion.  So let’s talk about the abortion debate.  I feel like I hear “it’s my body, I can do what I want with it” stated by liberal women quite a bit.  And I totally agree with them.  As a woman, I can choose what I do with my body.  If I want to have sex, I’ll have sex, and if I don’t, I won’t.  If I want to get pregnant, I will.  If I don’t want to get pregnant, I’ll use preventative measures like birth control, condoms, etc. so that I don’t get pregnant.  

My beliefs are that if you are not actively trying to prevent pregnancy, you are trying to get pregnant.  With the technology we have available today, unless it is a situation where a woman was a victim of sexual assault, there should be no unplanned pregnancies.  Once you become pregnant, sorry.  You should have have been more responsible.  But even once you are pregnant, there are options available.  You can choose to raise your child.  You can choose to give your child to a family that desperately wants one, but is unable to conceive.  

Most women will say, well those options will be hard.  Umm… woman up.  Own your mistakes.  I’m so over these so called ‘feminists’ that are basically campaigning not for equality, but for women to be treated as gods amongst men.  We want to be able to do whatever we want with no consequences!  It’s disgusting.  And we need more women to stand up and say NO MORE.  We will own our mistakes.  We will handle things ourselves.  And we will be stronger for doing so.       


Am I missing something about the new Texas abortion laws?


Am I missing something about the new Texas abortion laws?

So it seems these two lovely people have gotten themselves in a bit of a pickle…  She’s pregnant.  He knocked her up.  And neither one of them want to be parents.  For an explanation as to why please watch the video, because to be perfectly honest, I don’t care why she doesn’t want to be a mother or why he doesn’t want to be her baby daddy.

Here’s what I care about…

1.  Correct me if I’m wrong, but the new Texas abortion regulations are all about making abortion facilities safer, by forcing doctors to have admitting rights at a hospital near their locations in the event something goes wrong during a procedure.  Umm, how is this a bad thing?

2.  Where exactly in the constitution does it state you have the right to get an abortion anywhere, anytime, performed by anyone that you see fit?  Where in the hell did this lady get that the idea that a law protecting her safety while getting a medical procedure done is violating her rights?

3.  This one is to the couple in this situation:  You both state that you are educated, intelligent people.  Did you miss the day in health class where everyone learned how babies were made?  Seriously, I have a twelve year old cousin that could explain it to you.

4.  If you’re life is not in immediate danger, how is this law blocking access to ‘fundamental healthcare’?  Are abortions now a fundamental healthcare procedure?

Can someone please explain the logic that these people are using?  I don’t understand…